
living these days

We have been enjoying our living room a lot this week. The sun coming through the curtains is energizing. I like the pale yellow curtains we have up; they let all the light in.

John is a little light too these days. He is a lot of fun, much of the time giggling and discovering new things. We have been sick with colds since New Year’s Eve. John hates getting his nose wiped. Last night after midnight, he had some difficulty breathing since he is so congested. By the time I put him back to bed he was breathing perfectly. Praise God, because I was praying He would intervene.

I am continuing the holiday season in our house for the next week (aka I don't feel up to taking down decorations yet!). Our Christmas tree is up and I am thinking of making more holiday foods I enjoy. Mary and I made cut out cookie dough when we were home and then never made the cookies! I am still craving those cookies. I cannot remember a year without cutouts. When I feel better, maybe I will make a batch.

Looking at the sun coming in the windows again. I am so glad we decided to leave the original wooden windows in the living room. They are one of my favorite parts of our house. The wavy glass and all. Our house is about 100 years old now.

Here are some snapshots of our Christmas and New Year’s family time. We spent a few days in Archbold and a few in Ocean City.

Nadaly was so great with John. She was very tender and inquisitive with him. The interaction in this photo was one of my favorite times at our Christmas dinner this year.

John loves Phin...he even bit his nose!

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