
welcome warmer weather

As you can see, John is getting bored of this indoor craziness.
He is eating his Moo! book! We are welcoming this warmer weather!

Today we went for a walk at the Art Museum. It was so beautiful. John stood on a big rock and liked watching the people go by on the path.

We also spent a few minutes on the porch. Some neighbors set up their huge speakers (I am talking 10 feet tall), so we basically had an outdoor event going on. John was so cute. He danced to the music and liked watching the kids down the street. He waved at a couple of the kids when they would appear on their scooters.

I am welcoming the warmer weather. Supposedly Spring begins on Sunday. I think it began this week. We saw our neighbor for the first time since Christmas! This winter was way too long! It has been fantastic to get outside and see the world.

Monday I will do more prepping of the backyard for gardening. Yesterday was our first day of raking dead leaves and branches. John loved being out back. Hooray! Hopefully more sunny afternoons back there.

This winter has been pretty depressing in some ways. With sickness, cold days, and others being sick, getting out with other people was rough. It's amazing how the Lord keeps us through times like these. He kept saying to me, "It will get better."
I was thinking tonight about how nice it was of the cashier at Aldi to talk to us today. I have seen her there many times, and she is always nice. It means a lot when people are nice. She made my evening more enjoyable, just being able to thank God for kind people.

My dad called me while John and I were at the store too. He and Mary made it home from their trip. There were so many times this week I went to call my dad, and I couldn't! It was great to hear from him and know he and Mary made it home safely.
Lastly, I just finished another read through the Gospels. Each one was really special. I think John was my favorite book and Luke my second favorite. Maybe because they are the freshest in my mind!

It was neat to meditate on who Jesus is, what he talked about and how he spent his time. I started reading the Gospels again because I wanted to read about Jesus healing. I can't get into everything I learned. I am not sure everything I learned...but I think the Holy Spirit spoke to me.
Reading through John, Jesus focused so much on repentance, preparing folks for his death and resurrection, warning the Pharisees of their wayward path and showing folks that he really is the Christ prophesied in the Old Testament. Quite amazing.
Jesus always healed. It struck me that healing wasn't really the main attraction. He talked about people's faith healing them. He talked about forgiving sins, then people were healed. He talked about healing on the Sabbath and the Pharisees' way of twisting God's law. It seemed like healing was a means of showing His power or true identity to people. The people who were sick and many times on the the fringe of society were the ones who understood and had faith.

One guy who was blind and Jesus healed him was being questioned by the Pharisees. The guy basically said "duh, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God." He was blind and now he could see. It was that simple. The guy's parents wouldn't say either way, if Jesus was God or not. They were afraid of the Pharisees. I hope my faith can be that pure. Having no fear of man, but only reverence of a good God.
So many thoughts, but most of them aren't really in order. I will end here!
Happy Spring

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